Hello fear
You address me more times than I respond but I guess today is the day I have gathered courage to face you
I feel like the israelites when Goliath appeared before them
I cower when you appear
I feel like I’m a grasshopper in your presence
But I have noticed that the more I let you be, the more you become bigger so today, today I’m going to talk to you

I thought you were intrinsic of me
Like it is normal to feel fear or since I’m addressing you, to feel you
Like it comes with the job but in this case life
Like you should appear wherever I am at
I’m the light and you’re the shadow
I was tempted to make another analogy but I don’t like having you around so let’s stick to shadow and light

You have this gripping hold that I would personally like to understand
It’s impressive how you paralyze my mind that my body follows suite
My muscles become tense that I can’t seem to settle down
You trigger certain physiological processes that my heart starts beating so fast like I’m on a marathon and my breathing becomes erratic
My vision becomes hazy, my head starts pounding so hard that the sum total of all these processes makes me weak
I am paralyzed and I end up not doing what I set my mind to do
I just want to say it’s quite impressive, Kudos

Another issue I would like to address is how you make me miss opportunities
I would really appreciate your non-participation in this area of my life because I get tongue-tied when I’m given a chance to say something and in case you haven’t noticed, I am a person with opinions and answers too
I want to be able to take risks like jumping off bridges when it comes to ideas of starting up or doing something and believing that the rope around my waist is tight enough as well as strong enough not to snap and break
Can you let me be free to speak and express myself?
It’s funny how you bring up the pettiest of ideas about me misspelling words or me tripping and falling as I walk up to a platform that I have become okay with not saying a thing or not raising my opinions

Hello fear
Hope you’re still there because this girl still has some things she’s still getting off her chest
I also have a concern regarding relationships and friendships
In my opinion, you have crossed my boundaries and are living in trespassed areas
You create so much fear and unease in me about opening up to the people in my life that I short circuit the possibility of forming bonds that I end up having conversations about what I ate during the day
I am blaming you for it but honestly, It’s not you it’s me
I let you run loose
It’s like the experience of taking a child to the carnival for the first time and letting them be in charge of themselves
Obviously there would be 101 ways in which things would go sideways
What would have been a good day if rules were in place turns into a day were a missing child has to be found
I let you be so it’s my fault
But before the finger-pointing continues and boundaries are reset
I want to talk about another thing you do
The fear to be myself
I must admit that I can’t say I know all that I am but I have been introduced to myself from time to time that I plan on making those introductions more frequent until I know all I am
To meet me more often I realized I have to meet the one who made me frequently too so I can say at least it is a realization in the right direction if you asked me but something I’ve noticed too is that you don’t allow the me I’ve discovered to get experienced and expressed by introducing me to your friends namely discontentment, doubt, inadequacy and you of course
You convince me that the Me I am at the time isn’t good enough so I should morph into a more lovable me and let me just say that right this moment, its funny that I even believed you and tried to be someone else
I was working so hard to apply for a job I’ll never qualify for and do you know how that feels?
Let me make this situation a little less awkward by just saying the answer, IT IS WORK
I had to stop myself in the tracks whilst I was climbing mountains to be who I wasn’t and just walk in who I was made to be
Imagine the strain the muscles were going through when climbing compared to walking
I must admit that enlightenment comes with freedom
The feeling you have when you were carrying heavy shopping bags then you just put them down when you arrive
That feeling, it’s amazing
The muscles relax and the blood flows better but mine wasn’t
My circulation became clogged with you, I realized certain parts of me would cripple and die due to lack of oxygen so I decided to visit a well recommended doctor who has specialized in ALL THINGS including me.
He gave me a diagnosis that I had you, fear and the treatment plan includes:
-Knowing that I am the Lords
-Remembering that God cares so I can leave ALL my worries with him
-Knowing that the Lord is always with me so there is NOTHING to be afraid of
-Remembering that God is a mighty victorious warrior and that he will fight all me battles
-To believe in him more, God that is
-Remembering that He is an EVER-PRESENT HELP in time of trouble
-Presenting my requests to God in every situation by prayer and petition and his peace will guard my heart and mind
My medication should be taken daily by reading the scriptures and allowing it to resonate to me causing a transformation in my heart and mind so I’m excited for the journey that is coming ahead
Lastly, fear before we go our separate ways, I just want to reintroduce you to the David that took down Goliath with a sling and stone and used his sword to finish off the business. That is me now
I will take you down the next time you try to visit this place because now I know who has me and he has a track record of never losing battles. He makes the darkness tremble and silences fear so Bye FEAR

Thank you so much for reading. This is a letter to fear and it was written as a reminder to me and you when you experience fear to take on opportunities and just be who you were made to be.

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].
2 Timothy 1:7 AMP
I pray a sound mind over you🙏 Happy Sunrise Friday ⛅❤️

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